Scientific Biography

Gijsbert WernerI am an evolutionary biologist interested in social evolution, studying the evolution of cooperation.

Previously, I was a Junior Research Fellow and a Newton Fellow in the Department of Zoology and Balliol College, as well as a research associate at the Calleva Research Centre for Evolution and Human Sciences at Magdalen College Oxford. Before coming to Oxford, I completed my PhD (cum laude) at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, working with Prof. Dr. Toby Kiers in the Department of Ecological Sciences.

Prior to my PhD, I obtained an undergraduate degree (cum laude) in Biology with minors in Philosophy and Political Science from Utrecht University, and an MSc degree (Distinction) at Lincoln College Oxford.

Scientific Outreach and Policy Advice

I have a keen interest in (public) communication of science, and in contributing to the science-policy interface. I am currently working full-time as a Senior Research Fellow at the Netherlands Scientific Council on Government Policy. Our aim is to provide independent, scientific advice to the Dutch government on strategic issues of major societal importance.

Previously, with the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), I have contributed to the review of the fifth IPCC report. During my PhD, I have participated in the Nationale DenkTank (National Thinktank), a Dutch NGO connecting government, business and academia. I have also contributed to the public debate on both scientific and non-scientific topics in a number of (national) media (see CVs below).

CV and online profiles

For my full academic CV, including publications, media, teaching and outreach, please see here. A shorter non-academic (or perhaps, less academic), but somewhat outdated version is available here in Dutch only.  You can also consult my Google Scholar, ORCID and Researchgate profiles for recent information, and find more information on my experience as a reviewer on my Publon page.