I recently went to Evolution 2016, the annual meeting of the ASN (American Society of Naturalists), SSB (Society of Systematic Biologists) and SSE (Society for the Study of Evolution). My talk, on the deep evolution of symbiotic nitrogen-fixation in Angiosperms, was nominated for the SSE’s W.D. Hamilton Award. Unfortunately, I did not win, but the conference was very interesting and great fun. You can watch my talk here on youtube, and find the slides here.

I also gave in the parallel iEvoBio conference on software development in evolutionary biology. My talk at iEvoBio was about sensiPhy a new R-package I am helping to develop to perform sensitivity analyses for phylogenetic comparative methods. Unfortunately, this talk was not recorded, but you can see my slides here, and download the package from Github.


Nominated for the Hamilton Award at Evolution 2016
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