Please find the slides for the various presentation at the links below:
Gijsbert Werner – Why might an evolutionary perspective be useful for (behavioural) economics?
Max Burton-Chellew – Measurement of Social Preferences
Balázs Szentes – On the Biological Foundation of Risk Preferences
Melissa Bateson – Why are there individual differences in risk preferences? Insights from behavioural ecology
Tobias Kalenscher – Behavioural and neural basis of inequity aversion in rats
Christophe Heintz – Homo-economicus is dead, long live homo-economicus
Jean-Baptiste André – The biological contract theory of human cooperation
Nichola Raihani – Paranoia: when and why might people have biased utility functions?
Alex Teytelboym & Claire El Mouden – Impromptu slides Discussion Day 1: What have we learned so far?